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Flávia Andrade

Professor, Interim BSW Program Director

headshot image of Flavia Andrade


(217) 333-3675

School of Social Work

1010 W. Nevada St.

Urbana, IL

Office 2107


SOCW 240- Death and Dying

What I Do

I am committed to advancing our understanding of health disparities at older ages. My hope is that everyone should age well and with good social support. My work aims to uncover factors that can help societies be more equitable and for individuals to reach better health outcomes. To do so, I use several datasets from many countries around the world, particularly Latin America and the United States.


BA (Economic) and MA (Demography) – Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

MS (Population Health) and Ph.D. (Sociology) – University of Wisconsin-Madison


Flávia Andrade is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America. Prior to coming to UI, she was a postdoc at the University of Chicago at the Harris School of Public Policy.

Dr. Andrade is exploring how transitions at the population level, such as demographic, socioeconomic, nutritional, and epidemiological are influencing health across the life course. Currently her work has been focusing on the health of adults and older adults in Latin America and the Caribbean and Latinos in the US. Her current research focuses on several outcomes: chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes and hypertension), quality of life, disability, cognition, mental health, oral health and life expectancy.

Currently, she is involved in several international projects aimed at understanding determinants of health disparities. The ultimate goal is to identify factors that are more malleable to changes through interventions and policies.

Selected Publications

  • Guimaraes, R., Andrade, F. C. D. (2020). Healthy life-expectancy and multimorbidity among older adults: do inequality and poverty matter? Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 104157.
  • Andrade, F. C. D., Corona, L. P., Duarte, Y. A. O. (2019) Educational differences in cognitive life expectancy among older adults in Brazil. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1-8.
  • Andrade, F. C. D. (2010). Measuring the impact of diabetes on life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy among older adults in Mexico. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 65B(3): 381-389.
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