Field Education
The internship is the cornerstone of social work education, where you will gain rich learning experiences as you are immersed in a full-time internship.
Placement Models
For the campus BSW program and the MSW programs, the block placement is a unique feature of our BSW and MSW programs – allowing you to focus solely on the internship, after the completion of all of your coursework. With this model, you will take to the internship experience the knowledge and skills you have gained in the classroom and apply them to the real-world hands-on learning in the internship. Students who enter into the iBSW program will utilize a concurrent placement model. They will complete courses while in their internship over a two-semester period.
Because we understand the importance of the internship experience, we have a dedicated team of Field Education faculty to work with you. The team, comprised of clinical faculty who have practice experience in the field of social work, will guide you throughout the internship process. A faculty liaison will be assigned to you and will assist you in securing an internship placement in an organization appropriate to your learning needs and interests. The liaison will provide support and guidance during the duration of the internship experience.
While in the internship, you will participate in a concurrent, integrative seminar course, taught by faculty who are specifically devoted to field education. This level of involvement and depth of experience will provide you with the confidence, skills, and perspective you need to succeed.
Learn more about our programs:
Lindsey Trout
MSW Field Director, Clinical Assistant Professor, Field Education

Sherrie Faulkner
Director of BSW Field Education, Clinical Associate Professor

Hellen McDonald
Associate Director of International Programs, Clinical Professor, Field Education

Julie Muñoz-Nájar
Clinical Associate Professor, Field Education

Kimberly Rice
Clinical Associate Professor, Field Education Office