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Rachel Garthe

Associate Professor, Undergraduate Research Program Coordinator

image of Rachel Garthe sitting at desk


(217) 300-8204

School of Social Work
1010 W. Nevada St.
Urbana, IL
Office: 2066


SOCW225: Social Work Statistics

SOCW427: Social Work Research Methods; Statistics Skills Lab

What I Do

My research aims to prevent violence by promoting gender, racial, and social equity, and supporting adolescent development within their schools, families, and communities. I am passionate about teaching statistics and how social workers can utilize statistics to inform practice and policy.


  • BA in Psychology – North Central College
  • MS and PhD in Developmental Psychology – Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Two years of post-doctoral training – Chicago Center for Youth Violence Prevention at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration


Dr. Garthe’s research examines the etiology, consequences, and prevention of youth violence, primarily among youth living in urban, low-income communities. Her research examines these topics from a developmental-ecological perspective, seeking to understand the developmental, relational, contextual, and structural/systemic factors associated with violence. Additionally, she researches dating violence and intimate partner violence, specifically looking at how definitions and responses to violence can more inclusive and accessible to historically marginalized populations (e.g., racial and ethnic minority youth, transgender populations, justice-involved women). Through this research, she has focused on guiding violence prevention efforts for youth and adults. Dr. Garthe has led and contributed to numerous research projects examining the development, implementation, and evaluation of school, family, and community-based violence prevention programs.

Violence Prevention Research Lab website

Selected Publications

  • Garthe, R. C., Kaur, A., Rieger, A., Blackburn, A., Kim, S., & Goffnett, J. (Accepted for Publication). Peer and dating violence victimization experiences among male, female, transgender, and gender expansive adolescents. Pediatrics.
  • Garthe, R. C., Sullivan, T. N., & Gorman-Smith, D. (2019). The family context and adolescent dating violence: A latent class analysis of family relationships and
    parenting behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(7), 1418-1432.
  • Garthe, R. C., Hidalgo, M., Hereth, J., Garofalo, R., Reisner, S., Mimiaga, M., & Kuhns, L. (2018). Intimate partner violence among young transgender women: An examination of minority stressors. LGBT Health, 5, 1-8.
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