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Dissertation Process

Process information

The dissertation proposal is the product of a careful and searching inquiry into a significant problem or question in the field of social work and not have been satisfactorily resolved by existing knowledge. The research question for the student’s doctoral dissertation shall derive from the student’s focus area and have significance for social work theory, practice, policy, or administration. The student should work with their advisor and committee to determine a date for the preliminary exam. The public hearing has two objectives: to examine the candidate’s knowledge of the supporting literature and research methodology, and to contribute to the intellectual and educational climate of the School of Social Work.

The dissertation must follow the APA editorial style and Graduate College guidelines. The procedure of the final dissertation defense is the same as for the preliminary exam. The completed dissertation must be submitted to committee members at least ten days prior to the final examination. The final doctoral committee is responsible for the final examination and approval of the student’s dissertation. After completing the final defense, students are expected to complete their final revisions with format changes for the dissertation deposit to be approved by the Graduate College.

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